My name is Bonnie Haley and I am beyond excited to serve as the Children’s Ministry Director at Danielsville Evangelical Church. My family and I are so thankful to call DEC our church and so blessed to have such a wonderful church family. My husband, Chad and I have two beautiful children, Easton and Scarlett. Teaching my children about Christ is so important to us and I am so excited that I, with Gods guidance and direction, get to help lead all of the children at DEC.
My vision for the children at DEC is to see them grow in Christ, learn his never ending love for them and teach them the gospel so they can go out and be courageous disciples for God. Our children’s ministry goal is to equip our children with the knowledge of God’s goodness and His teachings, so they can take that into their everyday adventures.
Music Director
Christie Dickerson
Youth Pastor
Dusten Randall